Saturday, January 17, 2009

Boys Before Flower (Episode 4)

Episode 4 is better than Episode 3 just as how Episode 2 was better than Episode 1. Is this suppose to be some pattern to leave the viewers with a good impression while waiting for the next week's episode? I have no idea. But I guess its working for me as I can't get enough of BBF! ^^

Jan-di and the F3 (Ji-Hoo was nowhere to be found) were at the airport to send off Seo-Hyun. A not-in-a-good-mood Jan-di asked Jun Pyo whether she can ask him a question. Jun Pyo replied "If I said no, are you not going to ask?" Obviously referring to Jan-di's assertive attitude.

Jan-di asked Jun Pyo if it is alright to keep your feelings to yourself and not show any emotion to somebody you really like. Jun Pyo answers that's foolish. It is just the same as ignoring the person you like. He'd rather regret doing something than to regret over doing nothing. A surprised Jan-di replied "You know, you may not be an idiot in everything!" haha...

As soon as Seo-Hyun set off, Ji-Hoo suddenly appeared. Jan-di, upset with Ji-Hoo, told him "Is this all you can do? You should follow her!" After which Ji-Hoo replied, "I'm following her. I'm taking the next flight!" The rest of the F4 were wondering what changed Ji-Hoo's mind. Ji-Hoo then turned to Jan-di and told her thank you. If not for her, he wouldn't be true to his feelings and that he was glad having known a girl like her. Ji-Hoo leans forward to kiss Jan-di on her forehead while Jun Pyo watches, bothered. Check out the Jun Pyo's expression from the above screenshot. He is one jealous man!

The next scene was Jun Pyo and Jan-di standing at the freeway watching plane taking off. He breaks the silence by leaning towards her and asked Jan-di to listen carefully as he will be saying this only once. Jan-di nervously nods. Jun Pyo said "Geum Jan Di, ______ with me." Just when he was to say the most important word/words, a plane flies above drowning his words! Hahahaha.. :) Jan-di blinks uncomprehendingly as she never heard the crucial words Jun Pyo said. As for Jun Pyo he left and proceeded to the driver's seat with a huge smile on his face. I'm guessing that what Jun Pyo said was "Geum Jan Di, GO OUT with me."

The next day Jun Pyo walks into the lunchroom looking for Jan-di. And when he found her, he told her without hesitation "Saturday, 4PM, Namsan Tower" and started to leave then turns back "If you're late even one minute, you're dead!" Whoa! What a cool way to ask for a date! Haha :)

On the day of the "date", Jan-di went shopping with her mom dismissing the idea of going out with Jun Pyo since he didn't give her a chance to respond. After the bargain hunting, Jan-di thought about the possibility that Jun Pyo might still be waiting for her at the Namsan Tower. She then asked her mom whether it is possible for someone to wait under the snow for a promise that was never made. Her mom answered that it is impossible and crazy. Not assured, Jan-di suddenly changed her mind and decided to go to Namsan Tower.

Upon arriving the Namsan Tower, you could see the disappointment in Jan-di's look as the yard was empty. But as she turned and decided to leave, she saw Jun Pyo in one corner sitting and shivering in the cold. She immediately holds the umbrella on his head. Jun Pyo then asked, "Didn't I tell you not to be late?" Jan-di replied "Who told you I will come?" "You're here." Jun Pyo returns.

Jan-di insisted that she never intended to come. But Jun Pyo was persistent into saying "But you are here." Feeling bad, she offers to buy him a hot drink and helped him to get up. Sitting for a long time and feeling cold, Jun Pyo staggers and leans heavily toward Jan-di. Misinterpreting his actions, Jan-di was quick to kick our poor Jun Pyo to get him off her.

Off they go to an observation deck atop a building looking over the city with full lights while sipping the "30 Thousand Won" Coffee Jan-di bought. While being marveled by the stars, Jun Pyo interupts Jan-di and told her that those weren't actually stars but satellites. Jan-di retorts saying, "You are idiot! Do you think there are as many satellites?"

The watchman of the observatory came and was disrupted by a phone call, being busy with his handphone, he padlocked the observatory doors without even checking if somebody is still around and then he left. As the lights were turned off, Jan-di and Jun Pyo alertedly proceeded to the door only to find out that they were locked inside. Jan-di was in panic while Jun Pyo was a bit relaxed as its easy to call out for help. Unfortunately, he left his handphone while Jan-di doens't own one.

He was blaming her for what has happened. She says it was his fault since he waited foolishly for hours. On the other hand, Jun Pyo protests saying that this was the first time he ever waited for someone. To cope up with the cold weather, the two went into an enclosed area which offers a little shelter but it was still freezing cold. Jan-di tries to keep her distance from Jun Pyo thinking he'll be taking advantage of the situation. While Jun Pyo is starting to cough and say sorry for what has happened. Jan-di asked him where his driver was. He told her that he has sent his driver home because he wanted to try things out commoner style. A shivering Jun Pyo then leans over Jan-di. Thinking he's taking advantage, she tries to shove him aside. But Jan-di realizes that Jun Pyo is now burning with fever. Since she and Mom has just gone shopping, she took out he newly purchased shawl and scarf to wrap around Jun Pyo who was shivering.

A snapshot wherein it looks like Jun Pyo is going to give Jan-di a peck on the cheeks were passed around Shinwha High School. Obviously, all the girls where excited for Jan-di trying to befriend her thinking that she is now Jun Pyo's girlfriend.

At the school lobby, the monitor flashes out photos of Jun Pyo and Jan-di coming out from the observatory deck. Everyone is at awe and were asking Jan-di if she and Jun Pyo is an item. She was keen into saying that they are not an item and that they are mislead on what they see on the photos. But Jun Pyo steps in and announced to everyone that yes, they are dating!

After the "big" announcement from Jun Pyo, Min-Ji, Jan-di's only friend at Shinwha, went home early from school. Being how good natured Jan-di is, she went to find Min-Ji in her house to check out what was wrong. Min-Ji asked her whether the rumors are true. Jan-di told her that none of them were true. But Min-Ji insists that though Jan-di doesn't like Jun Pyo, Jun Pyo seems to like her very much. Jan-di thinks that the idea is absurd and that Jun Pyo is just playing around. Hearing this from Jan-di, Min-ji laughs and suddenly becomes cheerful. Not acustomed with a club environment, Jan-di got bored while we see another side of Min-Ji - not the usual meek Min-ji but more of a bitch. Finding the way out, Jan-di met the guy above who asked her to go out with her and let her listen to him while he play the guitar. He then offered him a drink and then Jan-di passed out.

The next day, Jan-di woke up in a hotel room without any trace of what has happened to her the night before. And as she look at the mirror the words "Thank you for last night." was written by the supposed guy she was with.

At Shinwha, the picture of Jan-di and the random guy is already been flashed at the lobby monitor.
F4 then arrives seeing Jan-di being mobbed the school body. Jun Pyo steps forward to defend her. By the way, Jun Pyo took hours to prepare himself to go to school as he changed his looks. From straightening his hair to wearing his school uniform for the first time. This was in reference to Jan-di's statement before telling him that she hates everything about him.

But Ginger, the leader of the 3 Bimbo, asked Jun Pyo to come to his senses and not be fooled. Ginger then pointed at the monitor. While Jan-di tries to cover it. But Jun Pyo pushed her to the side for him to be able to see what's on the monitor. Jan-di defended herself by saying that somebody could have trapped her into this. Hurt by what he saw, couldn't believe on what Jan-di was claiming. Jan-di fires back telling him that she doesn't care whether he would believe or not. He doesn't even know why there is a need to explain to him but this isn't really the truth. But Jun Pyo has got one question left. He asked Jan-di whether the girl in the picture is her. Not having a choice since she really is the girl in the picture, Jan-di said yes. Jun Pyo answers, from now on, I don't know who you are and then he left.

Seeing how devastated Jun Pyo got, the rest of the F4 wanted to uncover the truth behind the mystery photo. They went to Jan-di and tried to figure out what really could have happened. Suddenly, they realized that by the way the photo was taken, there is a possiblity that there is somebody else inside the room who took the photo. So, the idea that this one was a set-up is getting stronger. They even notice the scorpion-like tattoo of the guy on his right shoulder. The two then proceeded to some tattoo artist for some information about the mystery guy.

With F4's connections, Woo-bin and Yi-Jung was able to track the guy in no time. But it wasn't clear whether the guy admitted who he was in connivance with as the scene for his capture was quite a fast one.

Meanwhile, Min-ji came to Jun Pyo handed to him the keys of the hotel room where Jan-di and the mysterious guy stayed for a night. As he enters, he saw photos of Jan-di and the guy all over the bed. He picked up one and tried to check whether the wall on the photo is the same. He was furious and throwing anything his hands gets hold off. Min-ji then enters and confessed how she has has been keeping her feelings for him. She even said that why would he like Jan-di over her. She even went overboard by saying that she can be Jan-di-like. From here, Jun Pyo realizes that it indeed was a trap set upon Jan-di. He asked Min-ji how she was able to do this to her friend and answered her confession by saying that he will never like her. He then immediately leaves the room while flashes of how Jan-di was telling her that this isn't the truth, that it was a set up come running into his mind.

On the other hand, Jan-di was already in a miserable state as she has to face the wrath of the student body for her being "unfaithful" with Jun Pyo. Tricks were played against her. But rather than crying, she blurted out "Is this all you can do? Do more!" Then the episode ends.

After watching, I wanted the days to pass by as quickly as possible so it would be Monday again. I am really into this series now. I wanted to watch the episodes one after the other. But we all know that wouldn't be possible as it has just started to air. For now, I'll just fill myself up with the episodes I have in hand. Meaning, I'll be watching them all over again! Haha.. :)

Anyong! Keke~~

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