Saturday, January 24, 2009

Boys Before Flower (Episode 5)

It was a good episode. Definitely worth the week-long wait!

So, these crazy Shinwha students continued tormenting Jan-di. They even set her bicycle on fire! I really don't get these students, I mean they seem to enjoy what they are doing. But I can't seem to find what is it there to be happy about when you bully or hurt others. On the other hand, Jan-di was displaying a strong exterior despite all the bullying (water balloons thrown at her and being blasted with a fire extinguisher). But deep inside her, she was asking these people to stop. She was even having flashbacks of how Ji-hoo have saved her in the past.

And then there our hero comes. Gu Jun Pyo. He furiously shove away Jan-di's tormentors and hurriedly picked-up Jan-di who was lying on the floor.

Jun Pyo kneels and takes Jan-di to her arms and said sorry to her. He picks her up then walks away.

While walking away, Jan-di reiterates to Jun Pyo that she really didn't do what he thought she did (the hotel pictures). Jun Pyo answers that it doesn't matter so she should just shut up. Jan-di blurts out, "You still don't believe me, don't you?" Jun Pyo looking upset with himself utters " I do. I believe you!"

The next scene, Jun Pyo has brought Jan-di to his house to tend her wounds. He insisted to do it on his own but Jan-di was telling him that she can do it herself. Jun Pyo then tells her "You wanna sit still or wanna be tied up?"

Jun Pyo then takes a towel to wipe Jan-di's face. Then a loud heart pounding sound was heard. Obviously it was Jun Pyo's.

Rattled, he walks outside the room after shoving the towel to Jan-di's face telling her to do it on her own.
He tried to compose himself, but still the loud heart beating is still there. He put his hand on his chest and took a deep breath.

Yi-jung and Woo-bin, after tracking down the guy with Jan-di on the photo, brought Min-ji to Jun Pyo. And from here, we see flashbacks when they were still little.

Afraid of bugs, as he still is now, cute little Jun Pyo was driving away a bug flying towards his direction. Then a not so cute little girl came to the rescue, swats the bug with her sketchbook.

On the sketchbook was a man and a woman with their names (Jun Pyo and Min-ji) on. Jun Pyo throws away the sketchbook and stomps on it. Offended, Jun Pyo tells Min-ji that how can an ugly girl like her think of Jun Pyo as her husband. He pushed her making her fell on the ground. Jun Pyo asked her to get lost and tells her that he will never like her.

Then we shift back to the grown-ups and Min-ji was telling Jun Pyo how that experience has affected her. She said that from that day on she never wanted to be seen. That is why she went to Germany and had multiple surgeries done to make her look how she looks now. Jun Pyo tells her that he can't remember that instance but just the same, he said sorry for what he has done. Min-ji answers back by saying that sorry is not the word she wants to hear. She wants Jun Pyo to like her and that she she has come back because of him.
After the confrontation scene, Jun Pyo goes to Jan-di's room to check up on her. He told her that he has taken the liberty to call her parents that she will be staying in his house for the night. He didn't want Jan-di's parents to be extremely worried seing Jan-di's current state. He also told Jan-di that he has already threw away her clothes. Upon hearing this, Jan-di kept on nagging saying that how can he throw a still mendable clothing. This triggers Jun Pyo to put his hands on Jan-di's mouth as she continue to nag the hell out of him.

Then Jun Pyo leaned over to Jan-di, to which she freaks out misinterpreting his intentions. Actually Jun Pyo was just trying to reach for the medicine kit which was at the other side of the bed. What is funny in this scene is that you would really think Jun Pyo's trying to make his moves on Jan-di because he could have reached over the kit even without leaning towards the girl. Well, I guess the director shot it that way to drew out some romantic factors or whatever.

He then started to point ointment on Jan-di's wounds to which she was hesitant at first. I just love how the character of Jun Pyo evolves. I totally love how he shows he cares for Jan-di. After putting a plaster on Jan-di's foot, Jun Pyo turns his head towards Jan-di who was already asleep. She must have been that exhausted! Who would've not been after all the torture? ^____^
After seeing Jan-di asleep, Jun Pyo immediately tucked her to bed.

And gave her a kiss on the forehead. Oh my! Jan-di must have gotten a very good sleep! .**.

In the morning when Jan-di woke up, the butler and his staff were already standing by the side of the bed holding exact replica of the things she was wearing the day before.

The butler was able to find the same things which were thrown away the night before except for one thing, the bicycle. So the butler and the staff paraded a handful of bicycles for Jan-di to choose from. She tried out the bicycles excitedly. When she found one that she likes, she was taken aback upon seeing its tag price. She tells them that her bicycle doesn't cost that much and was just an ordinary. But the butler insisted her to take the expensive bike as it would ire out their young master if he finds out that they were no able to find the same bicycle she had before.

She was then ushered to the dining area for a lavish breakfast.

On the other hand, while Jan-di was taking probably the most expensive breakfast she has ever had, Jun Pyo paid Jan-di's family a visit. And there he took ordinary breakfast which he has never eaten before.

At Shinwha, the before and after photos of Min-ji is being flashed at the student's lounge screen. Practically, everyone was drooling over it.

The three Bimbos(Ginger,Sunny & Miranda) crowd up on Jan-di faking their concern on how much Min-ji has hurt her. Jan-di reprimanded the Bimbos on how they were mocking Min-ji's surgeries. She asked them whether is it ok for pretty girls to take surgery to make them prettier but not for an ugly person?

Jan-di then turns and leave the crowd. On her way out, she pass by Min-ji who was there standing all this time, hearing all the conversation. Min-ji told Jan-di that she wouldn't ask Jan-di to forgive her. Jan-di reciprocates by slapping her. Min-ji adds that she can't say sorry either. Again, Jan-di slaps her and told her that she shouldn't expect to be forgiven.

As Jan-di returns to her desk, she saw the stuffed toy Min-ji has given her before having a new message: "Jan-di, thanks. Let's meet again". It if followed by Min-ji singing the song Jan-di has sang to her before to make her feel better which put a smile on Jan-di's face.

Jun Pyo was dragging Jan-di to the student's lounge. He demanded all the students' attention because he has a very important message to convey. Geum Jan-di is officially her girlfriend! Yey!! ^^

The Bimbos collapses in disbelief. On the other hand, Jan-di was protesting but she was being ignored by the student body who were clapping and cheering upon hearing what Jun Pyo has just said. Jun Pyo adds the the students shouldn't mess around with Jan-di. Because a bad act done on Jan-di is tantamount to an act against him. Then a familiar voice was heard.

It was Ji-hoo. He has come back.

As Jan-di returns home from work, she was caught off guard by the new appliances in their house. Her family were ecstatic about these gifts by Jun Pyo. But Jan-di insists to return the gifts.

Jan-di immediately proceed to Jun Pyo and ask him to take back all the gifts that he has sent. But Jun Pyo told Jan-di that if there was something she didn't like, he'll gladly replace it. After all, he is her boyfriend.

Jan-di questioned Jun Pyo whether he has been like this with his previous girlfriends. These things pisses her off. Jun Pyo answers back by saying that he has no previous girlfriends. Meaning, Jan-di is his first! Upon hearing it, Jan-di mellows down.

After being mobbed by students who are being nice to her, Jan-di proceeded to her favorite hide-out in the school. And there, she met Ji-hoo. She asked Ji-hoo whether Ji-hoo would be going back to Paris. Ji-hoo retorts by asking whether she and Jun Pyo is really dating. He even joked Jan-di by saying that they could date behind Jun Pyo's back. Ji-hoo then leaves after saying that he missed her.

On her way to work, Jan-di saw a coin rolling towards her path. She immediately stepped on it and carefully picked it up.

What she didn't know was it was Jun Pyo who set up the rolling coin. He forced her to coming with him. But Jan-di was keen on turning him down pointing out that she needed to go to work. But Jun Pyo was persistent and was able to get Jan-di inside his car.

He has brought her to one of their shopping centers. Being crowded, Jun Pyo thought of a way to get rid of these people. He rang the fire alarm. Naturally hearing a fire alarm would drive all people to get out of the building. Jun Pyo then got what he wanted, only him and Jan-di inside the store. He got Jan-di a luggage and packed it with clothes. Clueless Jan-di was just watching over but I guess she was enjoying herself as well.

After shopping, Jun Pyo and Jan-di then proceeded to Jun Pyo's private jet. Ga-eul (Jan-di's best friend) was already there together with the rest of F4 waiting. Jun Pyo then told Jan-di that they will be going to New Caledonia and he has already asked permission from her parents and they said yes. He even brought Ga-eul to make her parents feel at ease.

Arriving the Shinwha owned resort, Jan-di and Ga-eul were mesmerized on how beautiful the island was.

Then a fortune teller was reading Jan-di's palm. She told her that her future husband and soulmate is with her in the island. Ga-eul thinks tha Jan-di will be marrying her soulmate. But the fortuneteller contradicts saying that Jan-di's future husband and soulmate are two separate men.

And then, Jan-di wakes up. it was all a dream. Just in time was Jun Pyo who asked Jan-di to go with him.

He brought Jan-di into a deserted shoreline maybe wanting to spend more time with Jan-di alone.

There, a table was set for two.

It is apparent that Jan-di is pleased by what she has been experiencing. She even compared Jun Pyo to a genie.

Jun Pyo then got his phone called up Jan-di's family and let her talk to them. After the conversation with her family, Jan-di's mood shifted. Jun Pyo wonders and asked whether he has done something wrong because Jan-di looks like she was about to cry. She answered saying that the place he has brought her is so nice. She wonders as to when her family will be able to come to such a wonderful place. Jun Pyo tells her that they could go back to the place together with her family.

And then, Jun Pyo walks toward the water, unbuttooning his shirt and told Jan-di that its time to get down to business.
I just wanted to yell out on Jan-di for not being moved by the things Jun Pyo has been doing for her. I mean he has been nice to her and all. He's even very vocal on how he likes and adores her. Yet, it seems like she still eyes on Ji-hoo who on the other hand shows no feelings for her! Anyway, I still love the drama and I couldn't wait for more episodes to come! ^__^
Anyong! Keke~~

1 comment:

Iceberry said...

i love boys before flowers too! <3 is soo much