Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dun (read:Money)

Having lots of money feels good, yeah? It would feel even better if its all yours! I sound so materialistic! Haha :)

No, those aren't mine.
Today is such a busy day. I had to distribute salary for almost 600 people in the company! My oh my! T'was really tiring!
And making things worst is the fact that I wasn't able to spend some time with MS today. *sigh* Although I had a 15-minute chat with him before going home(I really am aware of the conversation length as I was trying to prolong it even more. Too bad, his boss called him! haha) and promised to teach me all the functions of my D-Lux 4 starting tomorrow night! Yey!! ~!~
Anyong! Keke~~

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