Saturday, December 27, 2008

Stolen Shots

Kwan Hee's stolen shots of MS and I at the Emirates Palace Hotel:

Anyong! Keke~~

Friday, December 26, 2008

Emirates Palace Hotel (Preview)

Today, my Korean chingus(read:friends) and I went to Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi.
I'll be posting the rest of the photos tomorrow as I am really tired now. You see, Abu Dhabi is a 2 hours away from our place. Though, I wasn't the one driving, I still feel tired because of the 2 hours being stuck on the car.
Anyong! Keke~~

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Wishing you an abudance of love, blessings and good health! :)

And let us not forget the true reason for this celebration - our Lord Jesus Christ.

Anyong! Keke~~

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Where's My Phone?

I have this habit of placing my handphone at the back pocket of my pants. While MS, he has this habit of getting my phone at my pocket without me noticing it. I swear he is like a pro pickpocket when he does that. I mean I can't feel a thing everytime he gets it.

Everyday, on the way back to the office from lunch, he would get the handphone from me and return it when we part (we share the same floor its just that his department is on the left side of the office while mine is on the right).

Well today, wasn't an exception from this trick of his. But this time, he wouldn't want to return the handphone! Grrr!!

Actually, I didn't mind having the handphone by my side all this time because I am very busy and a lot of things has been going on in our department so I couldn't care less whether my handphone is with me or not.

But MS was really in the mood for play today. He would from time to time go to my workstation and show me my phone. I was like ok if you'd return it fine, if not, go ahead if that makes you happy! :)

At around 5:30 pm he again came and then suddenly hanged it over the fire extinguisher. As I was about to stand and get it, he took it right away and ran with it.

Since the workload is a little less and I needed a break, I told myself, "so you want to play, then let's go play!" I follwed him and he went straight to the construction department which was below our floor. We were like kids chasing one another! The people we bumped into with were like asking, "What's up with you two?". But I think these people are already used to MS and I's playing around as they see us almost everyday doing this.

Anyhow, going back to the story, I suddenly thought of acting as if I was pissed already. And my oh my! It worked. Haha.. :)

He hurriedly ran towards me and handed out my handphone. He was asking me if I was mad or something and was explaining that he was just goofing around. And to his surprise, I pinched him in his cheeks and ran towards the stairs back to my seat. With that he knew I wasn't mad because everytime he does a funny thing, I always pinch him in the cheeks.

As I was about to sit down, he was already there at my back. He went to my seat and was telling me how tired he was and how he got hungry because of the "chasing scene". Haha! :)> Same here MS!

As I am writing this, MS has just left and got back to his seat as we will be going out of the office in 10 minutes. As for me, I'll end it here and fix the scattered paper works in my table and ready myself to go home.

Anyong! Keke~~

Breakfast at Muffin Break

Kwan Hee and I went to Emirates Bank IBN Battuta Branch this morning to withdraw some cash. Apparently, our cash box is running out of it already! Haha ^_^

Of course, I wouldn't say no everytime he'd ask me to go with him because it only means we'll be having our breakfast at Muffin Break! Lol! ;)>
Anyhow, I had my super favorite Chicken Ceasar Salad Wrap while Kwan Hee had the Tuna Pesto Wrap. As for our drinks, we had the uber-yummy Hot Choco! Yum! :)

Anyong! Keke~~

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jjan Ban Jajang Day

Yesterday was our Jjan Ban Jajang Day. Ate at Seaworld then unleasehed the kids in us at Magic Planet in Emirates Mall.

Spent the day with Kwan Hee, Min Cheol Hyung and Paul. MS wasn't able to come with us since he spent his day at the office with some urgent work.


Jap Che

Jjan Ban Jajang (I did not eat it all.. Kwan Hee just asked me to pose with it! ^^,)
Burj Dubai

Anyong! Keke~~

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Surprise! Surprise!

Yey!!! I was able to see MS after not seeing him the whole morning. At around 2pm this afternoon, while I was busy sorting out the cheques for release, a got a handtap on my shoulder. As I look up, I it was MS!

He was telling me how busy he was the whole morning. I wasn't asking but he just made his way to explain. So I let him be.

Then he handed out his USB and told me to check what's inside. And to my surprise, the song I have been wanting to download for the longest time was there. I am hooked to this Korean Variety Show named "Sachinsu", roughly translated to English means, Introducing A Friend.

Here's how the show works, a celebrity brings a friend and tries to match make him/her to another celebrity friends. I find it very funny yet entertaining how this celebrities would do everything just to match their friends with somebody else. They tend to be crazy and at times at the brink of being pathetic just to be able to help their friends find a date.

Anyway, the show has this usual song they play at the end wherein the celebrity friends would reveal their choices. I am so in love with the song that I have been asking Kwan Hee to download it for me for the past 2 weeks already. But Kwan Hee is having a hard time to find an mp3 because according to him, the song isn't that popular all the more its singer.

Yesterday, while having a chit chat with MS, I asked him to look for the song and download for me. And to my surprise, not even a day has passed, he found it! Ah.. MS! you are so.... .^^.

Oh well, that has just made my day!

Anyong! Keke~~

Missing MS!

Half day has passed and I haven't seen any trace of MS. I went to his work station before lunch break but he wasn't there. I asked the person sitting beside him and told me that he only saw MS early in the morning, a little past 8, after which he hadn't seen him again.

Omo! MS must have been very busy. He even forgot to greet me this morning which he does every single day. Well, I understand, considering the site situation, but I still kinda miss MS! =(

Oh MS! Oh MS! Where art thou? ~!~

Anyong! Keke~~

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Little Brother!

Today is my little brother(bother? =P)'s 21st birthday! Omo! my little brother is little no more!

Happy birthday Mob! I love you.. ♡♡♡

Kang Ji-Hwan - My Hong Gil Dong!

I'm totally into Kang Ji-Hwan now! I mean he is not the perfectly handsome type but there is something in him that entices and excites me everytime I look at him. *blushes*

He received the Best New Actor Award for the movie, "Movie is Movie" at the recently concluded Blue Dragon Awards.

I just don't think that it was the perfect acting vehicle to receive such an award. Had it been for his TV series, Hong Gil Dong, he could have won hands down. But I guess, Korean people love him and so do I! =)>

Anyong! Keke~~

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

BB for BR

Big Bang's CF for Baskin Robbins..

Enjoy!! T__T

Anyong! Keke~~

Sunday, December 14, 2008


After excruciating myself thinking over what decision to make, I have finally decided to stay. Opportunities may come only once. But as what my mom told me, if you are good at what you are doing and people trust and believe on your capabilities, opportunities may knock not only once or twice. It may come into you a lot of times more than you can expect. Oh well, I hope so mom! :)

Since I'll be staying, my boss has given me the go signal to have a vacation. So, this January 16~19, 2009 I'll be in the Philippines. From January 19~29, I'll be in Korea to spend some time with my dad. To my friends, see you soon! .^^.

Apparently, there is someone(?) that made my decision to stay easier. I have realized, I can't just let go.. yet. After all, my heart is in Dubai! *blushes*

Anyong! Keke~~

Friday, December 12, 2008

All I Want for Christmas

All I want for Christmas is this Tattoo Nylon Tote Bag from the 2009 Cruise Collection of Gucci :

(Image from

If you are thinking of giving me a Christmas present, this one will be the perfect gift you could give me! But if nobody will, I might just buy it myself because I'm sooo in love with this bag! Hahaha.. :)

Any0ng! Keke~~

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


A lot of things happened today.

In the morning, I received a call from my previous boss asking me whether it was true that I don't want to transfer to Kuwait. I was a bit surprised on how he was able to know. And then he asked me, what will you be doing then if you'll not go to Kuwait. I told him i might just go back to the Philippines and rest for a while. All of a sudden he responded with a resounding NO! I was like, ahbuji (read:dad) are you mad or something? He told me that he already recommended me to one of his friends in the Head Office and anytime soon he'll be giving our site office a call with regards to my transfer. He also told me that I should just wait here in Dubai and work some time more until I get a go signal to transfer. Then I asked him what if the site office insists to demobilize me and I have no other option left but to leave the site and go back to the Philippines. He said, if that will be the case, which he thinks would be far from what might happen, I can go to the Philippines and contact me from there.

We ended up our conversation with him saying that I should just wait for a while since he's doing his best to help me out. Honestly, I'm really overwhelmed with that gesture of my ex-boss. He's not my superior anymore and yet he finds to time to look out for my welfare. And what's best is that he even recommended me with a post at our Head Office. Oh I really miss my Tatay! :)

Within a span of few minutes, Kwan Hee's phone rang. It was a call from our Head Office asking him for my possible transfer there. But Kwan Hee told the person he was talking to that he should call our Admin Manager since he is my immediate superior and that he (Kwan Hee) is not in the position to make any decision regarding this matter.

As he puts down the phone, he was all smiles and was congratulating me and all. Then I told him about what my ex-boss and I talked about. He then told me that the call he received was from that same person whom my boss recommended me. Oh man he(my-soon-to-be) boss is fast!

Then a few minutes later, our Admin Manager's phone rang and Kwan he immediately told me that the person AM is on the line with is the same person he was talking to just moments ago.

After the oh-so-long conversation, AM called me and Kwan Hee inside his room.

In there, he discussed with me the possibility of transferring to our Head Office. That he talked with someone who is interested to get me.. blah blah. What he doesn't know is that I know all these things already as my ex-boss has given me the information prior to him.

Then all of a sudden, my feeling of joy and excitement came to halt. AM told me that he had to say no to the Head Office offer as I'm still needed in the site. Whaaattttt???? I wanted to shout right then and there to ease out my frustration!

It was AM who told me before that end of this year, he will be releasing me already. I had my plans since I was aware of the situation beforehand. I was ready to leave Dubai. And I prepared myself for it because we (AM and I) talked about it long time ago and I didn't think that he would change his mind all of a sudden.

I don't know if I should be happy because my current boss really likes me to the point that he wants me to work with him until he is here or be mad for the fact that he's hindering my professional growth.

You see, it's a very rare chance for a foreign staff to get an invitation to work for our Head Office. I shouldn't let this opportunity pass me out as it might never come back. My current boss told me that I don't have to worry about my salary since he will be trying his best to give me what I will be asking for. But that is not the point! The main point here is my future. Considering that I will be working at the Head Office, there is an assurance on my part that I can work for the company as long as I wanted to. Well, its the same with overseas site its just that once an overseas site's project is done, you would have to be transferred to a new project worst, in a new country.

Well, its a blessing in disguise that my contract has already finished last September and still not renewed. I was anticipating my departure this December so I never insisted on the renewal as it would mean my getting stuck in here. And without a contract, I can leave this site anytime I want.

Now this is my dilemma, whether to accept my current boss' offer or to go and work at the Head Office. Nobody can tell me what I should do or not! I will be deciding for myself (with th help of my parents and friends! haha). After all, its still me who will give the shot! *wink*

Anyong! Keke~~

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

First Glimpse On Nathan

Kuya Josh have just sent the first pictures of Nathan.

Its still hard to tell whether Nathan looks like his dad or his mom as he is just a day old, actually hours old. :)

Here's the photo of the proud daddy and his baby.

I'm so excited to meet Nate this weekend! ^_^

Anyong! Keke!!

A Bouncing Baby Boy

I officially have my first nephew! He'd be my godon as well! *cheers*

Omo! Could this be the end of Tiffany's princess-like treatment from the whole family since a new baby has come? Haha...

My cousin (Kuya Josh) called me up this morning telling me that his wife (Jasmine) gave birth to their first baby at 2 a.m. An 8 something pound baby! He's big!!! :)

I told him that since this Friday is a non-working day, I might give them a visit over the weekend so I can see my first nephew..

Oh my! The list of my godchildren is getting longer! Good thing I'll be spending my Christmas this time in Dubai. =)> *kidding*

I'm super excited to see Jacob Nathaniel. I'll post some of his photos as soon as I get one.

Anyong! Keke~~

Big Bang Bags Song of the Month Award

Big Bang has again picked up another Song of the Month (for November) Award from Cyworld Music Award for the song, "Sunset Glow".

G-Dragon looks sick on the photos. I wonder what's up with him? He seems to be not himself lately. While Tae Yang is such an eye candy as usual! :)

Oh well, good job boys! You deserve it!

Anyong! Keke~~

Monday, December 8, 2008

Michoso At Music Core (12.06.08)

Ms. Son Dam Bi at Music Core last 06 December 2008.

The title of the song is Michoso, translated to English meaning CRAZY. The song tackles about being crazy in love. I love the songs melody and I love more the dance step when she says michoso! =)> After Wonder Girls' Nobody, this is Young Jun Oppa and I's latest dance craze! :)

Anyong! Keke~~

Sunset Glow At Music Core (12.06.08)

Big Bang's finale performance at Music Core last 06 Decmeber 2008.

Anyong! Keke~~

Puffy Wear

Big Bang models for Nii (I wonder if it got its name from Wii.. haha), a domestic casual clothing brand for Winter 2008.
But will anyone dare wear this shinning-shimmering clothes down the streets of Seoul? ^__^?

Tae Yang:

This is a little bit of an old news but I just thought of putting it in the blog.
Anyong! Keke~~

Tea Anyone?

MS and I were in the Tea Room. He was there making tea for himself while I just happened to pass by as I was on my way to the Copy Room.

When he finished making his tea, I asked him if its hot. He answered me back with a yes. Then I told him I wanted to see for myself if it was really hot. He was handing out his cup to me but I told him what I meant was to check it out literally by dipping my finger into it and not by taking a sip. haha...

I gave him my hand and told him to dip it into his cup. He was laughing all along and at the back of my head he wouldn't do it (the dipping my index finger thing).

And to my surprise, he did it! And man it was hot! I know I should be blamed as I provoked him. But i really didn't think he would do it. Then I told him he should drink all the tea which was left on his cup. I don't know if he was dead serious into doing it but at the moment he was about to take a sip on it I told him he shouldn't as it was gross!

I took the cup, threw what was left and gave it back to him.

He asked me if I was ok. Well, I was.. Should I have just said no I wasn't fine? :)

Naughty MS! He seems to be really the playful type. But I'm enjoying it!

Anyong! Keke~~

Rakrakanfest 2008

Last Friday, we went to Festival City to watch TFC's Rakrakanfest 2008 featuring Pupil, Kamikazee, The Dawn and Bamboo.

Here are some of the photos:

With Kuya Jason, Kuya Jeff & Biggie

Biggie & Ryan :)

Ely Buendia

I am not much of a fan of Rock music. But nonetheless, I enjoyed the concert and ended up being a fan of Ely and Bamboo :)
Anyong! Keke~~

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Joke of the Day

On the way to the restroom, I bumped into one of my officemates.

Officemate: "Ang bango naman ni Kuya Martin!" (Being the youngest, I call everybody in the office Kuya. Some of them adds Kuya to my name too.. )

Martin : But of course! :)

Officemate : Anong pabango gamit mo?

Martin : Dolce & Gabbana. Light Blue.

Officemate : Ahh. Kaparehas nung sakin Dolce & Gabbana din akin. Ano nga bang kulay yun akin? Di ko kasi masyado ginagamit. Pang-uwi lang!

Martin : Ahhh.. ok..

Anyong! Keke~~

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Photography 101

Today, MS's Photography Class 101 with me started. As a matter of fact, he has just left my room. And so I thought that this is worth blogging for.. hihihi.. I'll be posting his stolen photos later. :)

He really is good at it. Even if he can hardly express himself in English, I was able to grasp all the basics that I need to know.

Thanks MS!

Anyong! Keke~~

Friday, December 5, 2008


Actually I was supposed to be transfered to our HO this year-end but due to our site situation, my immediate boss had to turn down the offer and asked me to stay with him for a little longer. Then suddenly, a few days back, he was asking me for a possible transfer in one of our sites in Kuwait. I was shocked! He had to turn down the HO offer then all of a sudden he asked me if I'm willing to transfer to Kuwait?

Of course I said no. It's either here again in Dubai or in HO. Actually, last October, our main office in Dubai was interested to get me to work there. But my boss told them that I will be released only on December 2008. So, the Dubai main office had to get a replacement for me.

Now, HO is gone as somebody is occupying my supposed to be place already. Dubai main office is gone as well. What is left for me? Kuwait? Sorry but I'd rather stay in the Philippines and bum around than to go to Kuwait!

I already talked to my parents and asked them if they are still willing to feed me and all. Obviuosly they said yes. I'm still their "baby" after all. :)

Then I learned from Dad that some people from our HR are trying to convince him to let me transfer to Kuwait. My dad answered them back by saying that it's not him who should decide on this matter. He can't decide for me. That it is still my decision which should prevail. If I don't want it, he can't force me in to it. Thanks dad! :)

The funniest thing is, my boss told me that my dad recommended me to our Kuwait site. I was like, are you serious? I'm talking to my dad everyday and he's always telling me if I don't want to go to Kuwait, so be it. Just go back home, have a rest then decide. He actually wants me to go back to school and finish Law. Now, who is my boss trying to fool? Me? Hahaha

It is still uncertain if I'll be going home this December as my boss and I haven't talked about it yet. But what is certain is that I am not going to Kuwait!

Anyong! Keke~~

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Alright! I came across this photo from the internet and I couldn't stop laughing.
The one who posted this photo was asking his readers who the guy in the picture.

With just one look I could tell who it is. It's Tae Yang of Big Bang!

This picture was taken during their last month's performance with Lee Hyori at the MKnet Music Festival.

But the professional that he is, he went on with the show despite having an extra ventilation under his pants.

As for me, I kinda find this photo cute and sexy! .^^.

Anyway, here's the full photo:

Anyong! Keke~~

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Erase, Erase, Erase

I need to take back what I wrote just a few minutes ago.

Before going home from office I bumped into MS. He was explaining and telling me how busy he is today. Whoa! How did he know I wanted to hear his explanation for not being his usual self today? Oh my! Connection? I think so! Haha *blushes*

He told me he might even go back to office after dinner as there are lots of work he has to finish. Sorry MS! I didn't mean to think negatively of your actions a while ago!

Anyong! Keke~~

What Goes Around Comes Around

Oh no! Its my turn to receive a cold shoulder now. :<

MS is ignoring me. I mean he's not bothering me and not talking to me even! Haha..

First thing in the morning, he went to my desk asking me why I wasn't answering his calls last night. I told him I was busy that's why. I was talking to to him but I'm not looking at him..

Before lunch, we bumped into each other at the stairs. He stopped but I didn't bother to talk. I just gave him a nod and walked away. And he was like laughing as if he knows I was just pretending!

Come after lunch, I decided to stop with this "I-am-so-not-talking-to-you" thing. But to my dismay. He took his turn to get back at me. Haha..

I know he's not serious and all. But it kinda makes me sad. I actually miss him!

Anyong! Keke~~

Monday, December 1, 2008

My worth? -___-?

Today should have been my first day of Photography 101 with MS.

But then again, he was kinda making fun of me this morning by telling me he doesn't want to teach me. He's doing it purposely so I would convince him more.

Until late in the afternoon when we bumped into each other at the office's hallway, he still was pestering me about his not wanting to teach me.

Being a little fed up with it, I asked him "yes" or "no". Obviously, I was asking him about our schedule tonight. But he's good at pretending not to understand what I mean. But I'm so sure he understands as he was gigling and all while not being able to answer the question.

Until finally, I asked him, "Are you going to teach me or not?". Still on a playful mode he answered me "I'm busy tonight!"

I was like, "ok. Fine." then I left him. He was calling me out but I pretended not to hear. But actually I really didn't mean to walk out, I was just trying to see whether he will follow me or something. And of course he did! *blushes*

I think I kinda made a fool out of him by having him follow me around while I was pretending on giving him a cold shoulder! haha :)

Up to now, as I am writing this, he's still calling me but I'm not picking up. Gotta make him work a little harder baby! He's got to realize my worth! Hahaha *wink*

Anyong! Keke~~