Sunday, December 21, 2008

Where's My Phone?

I have this habit of placing my handphone at the back pocket of my pants. While MS, he has this habit of getting my phone at my pocket without me noticing it. I swear he is like a pro pickpocket when he does that. I mean I can't feel a thing everytime he gets it.

Everyday, on the way back to the office from lunch, he would get the handphone from me and return it when we part (we share the same floor its just that his department is on the left side of the office while mine is on the right).

Well today, wasn't an exception from this trick of his. But this time, he wouldn't want to return the handphone! Grrr!!

Actually, I didn't mind having the handphone by my side all this time because I am very busy and a lot of things has been going on in our department so I couldn't care less whether my handphone is with me or not.

But MS was really in the mood for play today. He would from time to time go to my workstation and show me my phone. I was like ok if you'd return it fine, if not, go ahead if that makes you happy! :)

At around 5:30 pm he again came and then suddenly hanged it over the fire extinguisher. As I was about to stand and get it, he took it right away and ran with it.

Since the workload is a little less and I needed a break, I told myself, "so you want to play, then let's go play!" I follwed him and he went straight to the construction department which was below our floor. We were like kids chasing one another! The people we bumped into with were like asking, "What's up with you two?". But I think these people are already used to MS and I's playing around as they see us almost everyday doing this.

Anyhow, going back to the story, I suddenly thought of acting as if I was pissed already. And my oh my! It worked. Haha.. :)

He hurriedly ran towards me and handed out my handphone. He was asking me if I was mad or something and was explaining that he was just goofing around. And to his surprise, I pinched him in his cheeks and ran towards the stairs back to my seat. With that he knew I wasn't mad because everytime he does a funny thing, I always pinch him in the cheeks.

As I was about to sit down, he was already there at my back. He went to my seat and was telling me how tired he was and how he got hungry because of the "chasing scene". Haha! :)> Same here MS!

As I am writing this, MS has just left and got back to his seat as we will be going out of the office in 10 minutes. As for me, I'll end it here and fix the scattered paper works in my table and ready myself to go home.

Anyong! Keke~~

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