Wednesday, December 10, 2008


A lot of things happened today.

In the morning, I received a call from my previous boss asking me whether it was true that I don't want to transfer to Kuwait. I was a bit surprised on how he was able to know. And then he asked me, what will you be doing then if you'll not go to Kuwait. I told him i might just go back to the Philippines and rest for a while. All of a sudden he responded with a resounding NO! I was like, ahbuji (read:dad) are you mad or something? He told me that he already recommended me to one of his friends in the Head Office and anytime soon he'll be giving our site office a call with regards to my transfer. He also told me that I should just wait here in Dubai and work some time more until I get a go signal to transfer. Then I asked him what if the site office insists to demobilize me and I have no other option left but to leave the site and go back to the Philippines. He said, if that will be the case, which he thinks would be far from what might happen, I can go to the Philippines and contact me from there.

We ended up our conversation with him saying that I should just wait for a while since he's doing his best to help me out. Honestly, I'm really overwhelmed with that gesture of my ex-boss. He's not my superior anymore and yet he finds to time to look out for my welfare. And what's best is that he even recommended me with a post at our Head Office. Oh I really miss my Tatay! :)

Within a span of few minutes, Kwan Hee's phone rang. It was a call from our Head Office asking him for my possible transfer there. But Kwan Hee told the person he was talking to that he should call our Admin Manager since he is my immediate superior and that he (Kwan Hee) is not in the position to make any decision regarding this matter.

As he puts down the phone, he was all smiles and was congratulating me and all. Then I told him about what my ex-boss and I talked about. He then told me that the call he received was from that same person whom my boss recommended me. Oh man he(my-soon-to-be) boss is fast!

Then a few minutes later, our Admin Manager's phone rang and Kwan he immediately told me that the person AM is on the line with is the same person he was talking to just moments ago.

After the oh-so-long conversation, AM called me and Kwan Hee inside his room.

In there, he discussed with me the possibility of transferring to our Head Office. That he talked with someone who is interested to get me.. blah blah. What he doesn't know is that I know all these things already as my ex-boss has given me the information prior to him.

Then all of a sudden, my feeling of joy and excitement came to halt. AM told me that he had to say no to the Head Office offer as I'm still needed in the site. Whaaattttt???? I wanted to shout right then and there to ease out my frustration!

It was AM who told me before that end of this year, he will be releasing me already. I had my plans since I was aware of the situation beforehand. I was ready to leave Dubai. And I prepared myself for it because we (AM and I) talked about it long time ago and I didn't think that he would change his mind all of a sudden.

I don't know if I should be happy because my current boss really likes me to the point that he wants me to work with him until he is here or be mad for the fact that he's hindering my professional growth.

You see, it's a very rare chance for a foreign staff to get an invitation to work for our Head Office. I shouldn't let this opportunity pass me out as it might never come back. My current boss told me that I don't have to worry about my salary since he will be trying his best to give me what I will be asking for. But that is not the point! The main point here is my future. Considering that I will be working at the Head Office, there is an assurance on my part that I can work for the company as long as I wanted to. Well, its the same with overseas site its just that once an overseas site's project is done, you would have to be transferred to a new project worst, in a new country.

Well, its a blessing in disguise that my contract has already finished last September and still not renewed. I was anticipating my departure this December so I never insisted on the renewal as it would mean my getting stuck in here. And without a contract, I can leave this site anytime I want.

Now this is my dilemma, whether to accept my current boss' offer or to go and work at the Head Office. Nobody can tell me what I should do or not! I will be deciding for myself (with th help of my parents and friends! haha). After all, its still me who will give the shot! *wink*

Anyong! Keke~~

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